Thursday, September 30, 2010

Quick catch up!!

Boy has life been busy and then when I do get a chance to quickly update I just seem overwhelmed at the amount of stuff that has happened. So here is a quick list of highlights of the past 5 months.
Kaden had his first season of t-ball
School ended
Swimming lessons
Lots and lots of activities to keep kids busy
Paul crashes my brothers Vespa and gets to ride in an ambulance. Thankfully only minor injuries but we are still trying to get money from the lady's insurance company to pay for all the medical bills.
Parker turned 1
Fireworks, parades, BBQs etc.
Ran a 10k
Paul's family reunion
I ran my first 1/2 marathon
We celebrated our 6 year anniversary
I went to D.C. with my mom and no kids. Saw all the sights and was one of the 1/2 million people at the Restoring Honor rally
Kaden and Tanner started preschool now my life is spent going back and forth from preschool since they are in different classes
Paul's birthday
Parker had tubes put in his ears after having 6 double ear infections in 5 months.