Thursday, August 21, 2008

4 year Anniversary

Yesturday Paul and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. It was wierd to think that it had been only four years with all that we have done. I finished a college degree and he finished two degrees. We have bought a house and had three children. Paul got a new job and I stopped working. All that in only four years and little did we know what we were in for when this all started.
We had fun we went to my favorite resturaunt, Ruth Chris Steakhouse and I had the best steak and choclate dessert in the world. Their steaks are amazing. Then after that we spent the night at a bed and breakfast while the three boys stayed at Paul's sister' house. We slept in and had breakfast then home to get the boys and Paul went to work. I missed the boy but it was a nice break.

1 comment:

The Hornes said...

Congratulations on 4 years! Isn't it amazing how fast time fly's when you are having fun! :)