Tuesday, November 18, 2008





I know it is about time that I posted this but I have been waiting to get a picture of all of us together from Paul's work. We decided to have a family theme of costumes so we all were X-men. Paul was Professor X, I was Storm, Kaden was Cyclops, Tanner was the Beast and Logan was Wolverine. Halloween was lots of fun with trick-or-treating at Paul's work and then visiting the Grandparents which left the kids with plenty of candy.


Veronica said...

Okay nothing was cuter than when I saw Tanner run out of your house with his spikey blue hair!!!

ktucker said...

Love to see the pictures of your family and hear the crazy stories from the Tucker side of the family. Check out our blog if you are interested ktucker-thetuckers.blogspot.com

The Hornes said...

Very cute costumes. Way to go dressing up all of you. I just don't have the ambition to get everyone dressed up. It takes all I have to get the kids out the door.